Speeding is a major contributor to fatal crashes, as it increases the risk of losing control of the vehicle and reduces the amount of time available for the driver to react to potential hazards on the road.

Truck accidents involving speeding often result in severe injuries or fatalities. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), over 4,000 people were killed in crashes involving large trucks in the United States in 2019. Of these fatalities, approximately 17% were occupants of the large trucks, while the remainder were occupants of other vehicles or non-occupants.

Research has shown that the risk of a crash increases with speed, and trucks require longer distances to stop than passenger vehicles due to their size and weight. The combination of speed and the large size and weight of trucks can make truck accidents involving speeding particularly dangerous.  The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) has found that the risk of fatal crashes increases significantly as speed increases, even in small increments. For example, the risk of a fatal crash doubles with every 10 mph increases in speed above 50 mph.

In addition to the risk of crashes, speeding also reduces the fuel efficiency of trucks, increases wear and tear on the vehicle and its components, and contributes to the creation of dangerous road conditions.

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