Tractor-trailer brake maintenance is not just another task; it’s a matter of paramount safety. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) a staggering 29.4% of tractor-trailer accidents are brake-related.

In the world of tractor-trailers, brake maintenance is non-negotiable and good operators need to recognize signs of brake wear:

  • Audible Warnings: High-pitched squeaks or squeals while applying the brakes can indicate brake pad wear.
  • Vibrations or Shuddering: If you feel vibrations or shuddering during braking, it might signal issues like warped brake rotors.
  • Decreased Braking Efficiency: Longer stopping distances or a noticeable decrease in braking performance should not be ignored.
  • Warning Lights: Many modern tractor-trailers have brake warning lights. If these illuminate, address the issue promptly.

With nearly 30% of accidents involving tractor-trailers are linked to brake issues instead of relying solely on manufacturer guidelines, make it a practice to check and maintain your brakes proactively.

By regularly inspecting and maintaining your brakes, you not only abide by safety regulations but also contribute to safer roads for everyone.

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